

plunderludics means making games out of games.

heavily inspired by metagaming and plunderphonics, we are trying to explore the possibilities of creating new media using existing videogames as raw material.

this website is an effort to document our work, other work in the plunderludic genre, and provide resources for anyone interested in making similar things. let's make a thousand plunderludics together.

here's a video we made in early 2023 about it (many things have happened since)


a big list of all the plunderludic games we're aware of


references and inspirations from games and other media


how to plunderludics (old) (wip) is a step-by-step guide to game-sampling and creating a collage-style plunder using UnityHawk.
plundering 101 (old) is an overview of the tools and repos we've been using for plundering

using preexisting save files


ongoing log of plunderludic experiments and tool development

we also made this youtube video going over plunderludics and some of our experiments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SQQ-M__ZrI


this page is maintained by the 'plunderludics working group'.

if you want to know more, want to make your own plunderludics, want help setting up any of the tools, know some plunderludic work that isn't listed on this website, or want to say hi, join the discord - https://discord.gg/ATJSh8W8dp
